About Indoor Sailing...
This is the home of Indoor Sailing where you can see how a simulator can benefit your organisation. You may be looking for an excellent training experience as a sailing school and as a backup for bad weather or as a unique attraction at an exhibition or team building events.
The concept:
There are a number of passive sailing simulators - but our machine blends the precision and repeatability of a computer with the physical aspects of dinghy sailing.

What exactly it is:
The VS-C1 sailing simulator is the cockpit of a racing dinghy that pivots on an A-frame with a pneumatic ram emulating the wind force. Attached to the cockpit are sensors that feed-back information on rudder angle, boat heel angle and mainsheet tension to the computer. As a sailor you control the rudder and mainsheet and by hiking you determine the boat's angle of heel. You can sail one of a variety of boats including a Laser or a 29er. The VS-C1 has proven to be the best way to entertain, educate and practice. Indoor sailing is based in Lymington on the UK south coast, but our sailing simulator is easily transportable and has been in action from Barcelona to Berlin, London, Paris and Glasgow. Our company mission is to introduce as many people as possible to the sport of dinghy racing, and our company activities are directed to that goal....
Events and Exhibitions:
We have two excellent reconditioned machines for sale together with the exhibition stand - read to go - for you to use at exhibitions and events; anyone who has seen it in action will know that a busy sailing simulator can turn an otherwise static exhibition stand into a popular attraction.
An indoor sailing simulator has several advantages over 'real-life'. On the Training page we discuss some of these.
Schools and Clubs:
The simulator can bring sailing right into the school gym. It's an excellent way to develop links between school and sailing club.
For more information contact: info@indoorsailing.com